Sujora Conrad - multi disiplinary artist
The Experiment
A series of 14 ephemeral interventions were installed over an 1,800km route following The Great Central Road from the Western Australian coast to the northern border of South Australia. This was part of a personal experiment conducted over a 4 year period. Works were documented on site and later exhibited in Fremantle.
The Experiment:
In an era of increasing separation from the natural world, I was curious to explore the capacity of direct engagement with landscape, to alter the relationship to that place.
The Circumstances:
Living on the W.A. coast but working with Ngaanyatjarra women of the Gibson desert led to many long road journeys and changes of perspective. I came to realise my approach to the landscape was more observational and removed than the direct embodied relationship of these desert dwellers. A childhood relationship with nature that was more akin to their style rekindled a hunger to experience that connection again. Could I re-establish those feelings?
Historical stories and events that held relevance to the route were researched, materials were gathered and sites chosen for ephemeral interventions over many trips. Works were revisited over time to observe change, dissolution and recharge.
The Outcome:
By creating sites imbued with personal significance through direct engagement, there became an elevated sense of connection to, and raised concern for, the wellbeing of each location.